Buenos Aires Real Estate - Español
Florida is a neighborhood of the Vicente Lopez district.
As in other neighborhoods grew with the passage of the Railroad, in the year 1888 Emilio Nouguier, formed "the National Company of Railways Residents", whose goal was to become centers of population, buying and selling land and constructing the railway line to Belgrano Tiger.
In April of 1907 by ordinance No. 11, municipality of Vicente Lopez declared the town "place" called Florida. Administratively, the party of Vicente Lopez has no locations, since by law 4760 of September 14, 1939 throughout the match was declared a city, which consists of neighborhoods. These are: Olivos (header until 1939), Florida, West Florida, Munro, Vicente Lopez, Villa Martelli, Carapachay, La Lucila and Villa Adelina.
- Rentals and Sales of Houses, Apartments, Offices, Gated Community, Town House, and other Properties.
- Real Estate Florida.
- Sales, rentals, short term, commercial, student accommodation, holiday lets y de apartment share.
- Owner reltals, Owner Sale,
Acassuso, Altimpergher, Beccar, Bella Vista, Benavidez, Boulogne, Campo de Mayo, Carapachay, Carupa, Del Viso, Delta, Escobar, Florida, Garin, General Lemos, General Pacheco, General San Martin, General Sarmiento, Grand Bourg, Ingeniero Maschwitz, Islas, Jose C. Paz, Jose Leon Suarez, La Lucila, Lopez Camelo, Los Polvorines, Malaver, Malvinas Argentinas, Manzanares, Martinez, Muniz, Munro, Nueva Marina, Olivos, Pablo Nogues, Pilar, San Fernando, San Isidro, San Miguel, Talar de Pacheco, Tigre, Tortuguitas, Vicente Lopez, Victoria, Villa Adelina, Villa Ballester, Virreyes, Vucetich.